
Vegan Thanks 2013

Welcome to the vegan feast time of year!! I know it is coming up soon, but I just haven't had time to plan anything! I love cooking, and blogging, but with this being the first year of Walkstar, and just coming off of the Life Is Beautiful festival,  I haven't had time for much else. I know the Thanksgiving feast is the pièce de résistance of the year, and since I managed to miss ALL of Vegan MOFO, I decided to give "Vegan Thanks 2013" a shot!

Searching through hundreds of recipes (thank you Pinterest's Vegan Thanksgiving board for leading the way) I realized, like so many other vegan recipes, home chefs from all over the world have upped their game for the holidays! Scones, towers, and the craziest of desserts caught my eye. I remember when vegan Thanksgiving was just a bunch of sides, with maybe some type of vegan "loaf" that everyone tended to ignore. These main dishes, drinks, soups, salads, sides, and creative plates look AMAZING! And the desserts-pumpkin pie BROWNIES?? YES PLEASE!! Fat-free, gluten-free, vegan, raw, it's all here & ready to celebrate! Planning the menu will be a lot harder than I imagined!!

Obviously I picked recipes that contained local items, or ones I could substitute locally-grown. And yes,  I can admit it... I picked a few recipes I have been menaing to try, or that looked amazing, like the garlic knots and chocolate avocado cupcakes!

The Official Menu::

Carmelized Onion & Carrot Soup by Tomato Tart
Vegan Garlic Knots recipe by Vegalicious.com

Individual Veggie-Lentil Loaves with Avocado-Tahini Sauce by Ricki Heller
Garlic Mashed Potatoes by OhSheGlows.com
Deconstructed Green Bean Casserole by VeganYumYum.com
Tamarind and Ginger Glazed Carrots by Tomato Tart

Vegan Chocolate Avocado Cupcakes by Edible Garden

Thanksgiving is in just a few days, so I have to get cracking!

Earth Balance

After years of trying to ignore the debate, much like  ChallengeOppression.com wrote wayy back in 2009, I've been doing pretty well all year weening out palm oil from my diet, and yes, that includes Earth Balance. People have been amazing on Facebook supporting me, letting me know (again) that this is a luxury item, and by all means we don't need this to live, but the orangatangs DO need their habitat. Yes, you're right. May I point out tht luxury item is a world of difference when it is one of the very few that can be found on a Caribbean island, but luxury item nonetheless.

By preparing my menu for Vegan Thanks 2013, I stumbled upon hundreds of recipes that all looked brilliant, and most had EB. I decided to check once again, just to make sure I was still supporting the no palm debate- maybe overnight everyone had changed their ingredients?

What I found was that Earth Balance is being very proactive to take their palm products from forests that do not support orangatangs, and have started a number of initives to promote responsible palm oil production.

Is it enough?
